Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week 2 of CED520

This week we discussed Search Engines and Tools for Student Research.

One of the first topics we discussed was how to choose the best search engine using Noodle. Noodle helps you choose the Best Search based on your Information Needs. It is a great tool that helps users find what they are looking for in a more productive and effective manner.

The next topic that we discuss was the proper way to use Search Engines. I read the article about Four (NETS) for Better Searching – by Bernie Dodge. The NETS strategy is based on four concepts. Those four concepts are: start Narrow, find Exact Phrases, Trim back the URL, and look for Similar Pages. The main idea is that users don't take advantage of the full potential of a common search engine such as Google. This was really helpful and I really thought that the strategy about trimming back the URL was quite beneficial.

Another tool that we looked at was Google Alerts. Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic. This is a great way of keeping up to date about any new information on a specific topic.

Another article we read was Wikipedia in the Classroom: Consensus Among Educators?. We were then asked for our opinion about wikipedia as an educational tool. I decided that I would allow students to use it as quick reference or as a starting point. I would not however allow it to be their main or only reference.

I also created a google form that I will be able to have my student utilize to evaluate the reliability of a specific resource. I embedded it below.

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